Dump1090 Export

Dump1090 ADSB Android

With Dump1090 you can share received live data via TCP connections in popular formats such as AVR , Beast and Base Station (SBS-1) format.

You can also save all received data to CSV files and share them for later analysis.

jump to Battery optimization section

1. Activate Data Export

You can access the data export settings in Dump1090 Android on the AIRCRAFT tab by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner and selecting Settings / Export data.

TCP Server

Dump1090 Android acts as a server. This means that external applications can connect to your Android device. Depending on the chosen connection Dump1090 Android will listen on a specific port number for incoming connections.
Other applications need to know the IP address of your device where Dump1090 is running and needs to be in the same network (Home Wifi for example).
To find your IP address search in Google Play Store for apps like “IpConfig”.

Export Beast Format

Dump1090 provides Information on Port: 30005
The Beast Format also named RAW or binary format send’s every received Mode-S Message out.
That means high data traffic which should no be a problem when you in your own Wifi Home network.

Export AVR Format

Dump1090 provides Information on Port: 30002
AVR format is also a kind of raw data format but send as String message. Messages would look like


Also here, every received Mode-S Message will send out.
That means high data traffic which should no be a problem when you in your own Wifi Home network.

Export BaseStation (SBS-1) Format

Dump1090 provides Information on Port: 30003
BaseStation format is a kind of compressed data format. Message is already translated to a useable format ( Raw Message format like Beast and AVR needs to be decoded by 3rd party applications which have pro and cons)


Data traffic is moderate.

TCP Client

Dump1090 active connects to an IP address or www address on a specific port to send data in a format of your choice.
You can choose between Beast / AVR and BaseStation format. ( Simply click on the export format)
Please note: If you choose a RAW format such as Beast or AVR, data will not be sent as frequently as on a TCP server connection. This will save bandwidth, especially if you are connecting to an Internet server.

Unfortunately, you can’t feed directly into popular internet-based feeding sites such as Flightaware or FlightRadar.
These services have some kind of special encrypted connections to their servers. They only support data upload with their own feeder programs which only run on RasperyPI (correct me if I am wrong).

I managed to upload data in BaseStation format to ADSBHub – Free ADS-B Data Exchange and Plane Tracking

File Export

Provides the possibility to record data traffic to csv files.


Format is basically the BaseStation (SBS-1) Format.
SBS-1 BaseStation Tutorial 4.2 (woodair.net)

Field 1: Message type (MSG, STA, ID, AIR, SEL or CLK)
Field 2: Transmission Type MSG sub types 1 to 8. Not used by other message types.
Field 3: Session ID Database Session record number
Field 4: AircraftID Database Aircraft record number
Field 5: HexIdent Aircraft Mode S hexadecimal code
Field 6: FlightID Database Flight record number
Field 7: Date message generated  As it says
Field 8: Time message generated  As it says
Field 9: Date message logged  As it says
Field 10: Time message logged  As it says
 The above basic data fields are standard for all messages (Field 2 used only for MSG).The fields below contain specific aircraft information.
Field 11: Callsign An eight digit flight ID – can be flight number or registration (or even nothing).
Field 12: Altitude Mode C altitude. Height relative to 1013.2mb (Flight Level). Not height AMSL..
Field 13: GroundSpeed Speed over ground (not indicated airspeed)
Field 14: Track Track of aircraft (not heading). Derived from the velocity E/W and velocity N/S
Field 15: Latitude North and East positive. South and West negative.
Field 16: Longitude North and East positive. South and West negative.
Field 17: VerticalRate 64ft resolution
Field 18: Squawk Assigned Mode A squawk code.
Field 19: Alert (Squawk change) Flag to indicate squawk has changed.
Field 20: Emergency Flag to indicate emergency code has been set
Field 21: SPI (Ident) Flag to indicate transponder Ident has been activated.
Field 22: IsOnGround Flag to indicate ground squat switch is active
Infos from woodair.net

Data Location

Files are located into your Download Folders in the directory eu.ebctech.dump1090
One csv file per day (Year-Month-Day.csv).
If the file size is bigger as 5 MB an additional file will created ( Year-Month- Day_HourMinuteSecond.csv)

Questions ? look here

If you have more question or something is not working as expected – please feel free to contact me

2.Battery Optimization White List

If you choose to export data – Dump1090 Android will check if RTL SDR Driver AND DUMP1090 is already on the battery white list. If not the following pop up dialog will appear.

By pressing on the button WHITELIST you will directed to your Android Device Battery Optimization Whitelist settings.

see a separate post about the battery optimization settings for dump1090


  1. Hi, great app! Can I ask You how can I export in BaseStation (SBS-1) format as a csv file on local android storage. Is it possible? Thank You!

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